Hello friends! :) After the dry and nasty summer, I am sooo in the mood for fall. I can't wait to bust my hoodies, jeans and boots out. I'm just ready for cooler temps now.
Soon as the rain hit about a week or a week and a half ago, I went shopping for plants and got started weeding and pulling out [dead] weeds, busted out the water hose and dressed up my front porch for fall.

...and I am in the process of decorating my house for the fall and winter festivities. We don't really have Thanksgiving at our house because we go to my in-laws for that but we do have our friends over all the time because I cook/bake like a maniac when it's cold outside.
So to kick start the craziness, I made a fall wreath, which was inspired by this. :) I by no means did not invent this this wreath. I'm pretty sure someone in blog land and the internetzz has made one like it. But I don't care, I wanted to make one and wanted to share with you all what I ended up with.
I was going through the thrift store originally for furniture I could maim, paint and re-purpose which was rather disappointing because I didn't find any that suited me but alas, I saw a pile of old Christmas tree ornaments, yarn and wreaths. And I came out of that store $4.50 poorer.
I was going through the thrift store originally for furniture I could maim, paint and re-purpose which was rather disappointing because I didn't find any that suited me but alas, I saw a pile of old Christmas tree ornaments, yarn and wreaths. And I came out of that store $4.50 poorer.
So here's what I got, I bought 4 boxes of whatever ornaments they had in that pile, I looked through the yarn they had and got the yellow, brown and orange, the white I already had and so did the glue sticks and time. Yeah, I have a lot of time in my hands. lol
Some of these pics are from my phone. [excuse the quality]
Some of these pics are from my phone. [excuse the quality]

My 25 cent wreath.

I just took off the tops off of the ornaments and got to wrapping. There is no certain way to do this, just wind that yarn on the ornaments or foam balls [whatever you have] until you could barely see a trace of it under all the wound yarn.

And then glue them to your wreath. :)

And here's what you will end up with! But, like the crazy person I am I thought it needed one more thing! How about A MONOGRAM?!

So I got to work and busted out my Cricut and my deep cut blade and cut an R from heavy weight chipboard and wrapped it in orange yarn and attached it to my wreath.

Here I am cutting different sizes on regular cardstock before I cut into my precious chipboard, to make sure I get the size I want and the right font style too. I didn't need to hook my Cricut to my laptop for this, I have enough font cartridges to give me enough options. I actually used the cartridge that went with my machine when I bought, Plantin Schoolbook. I cut my monogram at 5 1/2 inches and even if I used a deep cut blade, I did multi-cut my image just to make sure I get a really clean crisp cut. I do this anyway even with the regular blad and regular weight cardstock. :)
Now scroll down!

And, I am done... with this wreath at least. And I am quite happy with it. :) Now, if I can just think up something I could hang outside for winter... Hmmmm...
Laterz gators,