I started a new project. It's called Week in the Life. I follow Ali Edwards' blog and I love how she has developed these systems that are easy to work into daily life. I used to be a 12x12 scrapbooker, but I just couldn't find the time to think about design, layout, etc. It was just a lot to think about so I was more than excited to find Ali in the blogosphere. :)
Week in the Life carries the Project Life concept of simply filling in pockets with pre-sized photos, journaling cards or filler cards except it looks at the more routine-ish stuff in your day. In my case, you will probably see a lot of photos of my craft room, the projects I am working on, photos of my hand while I sew, or paint swatches because this is me, and this is how my days go. I spend most of my days creating or imagining or planning if I am not with my Aunt Betty. [the beauty of not having children... yet! is there is a lot of time to spend on creativity and such!]

I started last week. I downloaded and printed the daily sheets pdf. It's free so print away. And I went to town with all the information and snapped photos like I always do. I have been using my phone a lot lately since it is the most accessible, it is always with me. Even the photos in this blog post are from my phone [I have the Samsung Galaxy S3]. I use Camera+ and Camera Zoom fx. I love both apps. I know you can get Camera+ for the iPhone and the iPad and Android phones but I am not too sure about Camera Zoom fx for the iPhone. I edit my photos with Snapseed, it's what I use all the time and I highly recommend it.
The binder I'm using is from Sn@p Studios by Simple Stories. It is 6x8. Much smaller than my Project Life album, which makes it very manageable and less time consuming given there aren't as much spaces to fill. As for the jounraling cards, I just used the leftovers of the free printables I downloaded and printed at home. All the rest of the elements are either applied to the photos digitally using supplies from my digital stash, or manually stamped. I own a good amount of Studio AE stamps thanks to all the coupons from my favorite craft stores both online and in-store. I get most of mine from Archivers.
The binder I'm using is from Sn@p Studios by Simple Stories. It is 6x8. Much smaller than my Project Life album, which makes it very manageable and less time consuming given there aren't as much spaces to fill. As for the jounraling cards, I just used the leftovers of the free printables I downloaded and printed at home. All the rest of the elements are either applied to the photos digitally using supplies from my digital stash, or manually stamped. I own a good amount of Studio AE stamps thanks to all the coupons from my favorite craft stores both online and in-store. I get most of mine from Archivers.

My husband, John and I send text messages and/or emails back and forth during the day... Everyday. Before he quit smoking, he used to call me at lunch but when he quit [seven months ago], we stuck to just texting and emailing since he has no reason to go outside anymore. It's like second nature to us. We have been doing this even before we got married. So I had to include screenshots of our SMS conversations or emails especially that we had the most interesting conversations last week.

A part of me is enjoying this creative clutter that I have going on [on top of my desk] and a part of me is just cringing and wanting to just clean it all up! But it has been almost two weeks of creativity around here. I like a good balance of activity, I hate monotony. So I change things up every so often and it has done me good so far. I am never without anything to do. Even when I watch TV I'm either crocheting or journaling or working on an art journal spread... thus the accumulation on my desktop.
Up there in the photo is Asta, he is the family dog. My Mom and Dad-in-law live just a few blocks away from us, we see them quite often. But last Saturday we had to be there especially for a birthday party and because I had promised Mom I would help her with her coffee-table-into-ottoman-transformation since I had done it before here. Soon as I sat the cushion down into the coffee table, Asta jumps in and never leaves! And then the next day my Mom-In-Law sends me a photo of him laying on it again as she was watching TV. He is such a doll!

I still have a couple of photos to add for Sunday but this is what Sunday looked like around here. It snowed early that morning. I made red velvet cupcakes with a chocolate ganache filling and cream cheese frosting for the superbowl party we hosted. We have been hosting it for the past 3 years if memory serves me right. It's always a great time and the food is always good. The women hang out in the kitchen and gab while the men watch the ball game. This year was spent planning what our friend, Tina is doing to her kitchen. She is a DIY enthusiast and she has an eye for design.
All in all, the whole week has been great and I love that I started Week In the Life. I love looking through the pages a few weeks/months later. Maybe this week I will be able to clear my desk of all the "creative clutter" and start making a new mess.
Laterz gatorz,